  • 4072 St Laurent Blvd
    Montreal, QC H2W 1Y8
  •   514-285-1319


8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Chamber Rating

4.4 - (202 reviews)
Read Our 202 Reviews

Chamber Rating

4.4 - (202 reviews)
  • Ellie Lamontagne

    Great store and selection, love the employees!
    May 21st, 2023

  • Fiducie Blouin

    (Translated by Google) I love all the products they manage to offer (Original) J'adore tous les produits qu'ils russissent offrir
    May 2nd, 2023

  • Michael Author Pokocky

    Apr 22nd, 2023

  • C C

    (Translated by Google) Customers for more than 20 years, we have made it our duty to boycott for more than a year this odious trade which did not hesitate to discriminate in 2021 and 2022 based on a prohibited ground of discrimination: the state. health (legal term). Indeed, the trade applied the vaccine passport by refusing access to people who had chosen not to take vaxx covid or those who had chosen to take vaxx covid but who were not comfortable to use this privacy intrusive device. By politely and kindly refusing access to a few ridiculous little chairs and tables instead of simply closing off the space as many have done to avoid harming people, the business has sold its soul and become corrupt. Now he's got it on his hands and that stain doesn't come off so easily. This merchant, like all those who participated in this corruption, will have to forgive himself but he will first have to take responsibility for his actions. Please don't say you didn't have a choice because the government ordered you to. We always have the choice. We have free will, right?! You are not guilty of initiating the idea and ordering the application of this heinous practice. The government is guilty of this. You are innocent of it. No, you are guilty of EXECUTING the order. You participated in it. You are not victims. You are one of the executioners. Of course, it wasn't gratuitous racism. It wasn't gratuitous: you did it for the money. What wouldn't we do for the $$$. And don't take out the excuse of family to feed. In Quebec, with all the resources that exist and the charities, there is NO family that is going to miss anything, even penniless. And anyway, most of the businesses that stood up and did not discriminate did not receive tickets and those that did are far from having gone bankrupt. (Original) Clients depuis plus de 20 ans, nous nous sommes fait un devoir de boycotter depuis plus d'un an ce commerce odieux qui ne s'est pas gn de discriminer en 2021 et 2022 en se basant sur un motif interdit de discrimination : l'tat de sant (terme lgal). En effet, le commerce a appliqu le passeport vaccinal en refusant l'accs aux personnes ayant fait le choix de ne pas prendre le vaxx covid ou ceux qui avaient fait le choix de se faire vaxx covid mais qui n'taient pas l'aise d'utiliser ce dispositif intrusif de la vie prive. En refusant poliment et gentiment l'accs quelques petites chaises et tables ridicules au lieu de tout simplement fermer l'espace comme plusieurs ont fait pour viter de lser des gens, le commerce a vendu son me et s'est corrompu. Maintenant, il a a sur les mains et cette souillure ne se nettoie pas si facilement. Ce commerant, comme tous ceux qui ont particip cette corruption, devra se pardonner mais il va devoir tout d'abord assumer la responsabilit de son geste. Er de grce, ne rpondez pas que vous n'aviez pas le choix parce que le gouvernement vous l'avait ordonn. On a TOUJOURS LE CHOIX. On dispose d'un libre arbitre, non ?! Vous n'tes pas coupables d'avoir initi l'ide et d'avoir ordonn l'application de cette pratique haineuse. Le gouvernement en est coupable. Vous en tes innocents. Non, vous tes coupables d'avoir EXCUT l'ordre. Vous y avez particip. Vous n'tes pas des victimes. Vous faites partie des bourreaux. Bien sr, ce n'tait pas du " racisme " gratuit ". Ce n'tait pas gratuit : vous l'avez fait pour l'argent. Qu'est-ce qu'on ne ferait pas pour l'$$$. Et ne sortez pas l'excuse de la famille nourrir. Au Qubec, avec toutes les ressources qui existent et les organismes de bienfaisance, il n'y a AUCUNE famille qui va manquer de quoi que ce soit, mme sans aucun sou. Et de toutes faons, la plupart des commerces qui se sont tenus debout et n'ont pas discrimin n'ont pas reu de contraventions et ceux qui en ont reu sont loin d'avoir fait faillite.
    Apr 15th, 2023

  • Nicolas Moreno

    (Translated by Google) English follows. I went to buy vaporizers. The first lady (dark haired) was very kind, polite and helpful. She walked me to the spray bottles and told me I could choose any bottle and then pick up a mouthpiece separately. I guess it was my mistake not to make sure the mouthpiece would fit the bottles I had chosen. At checkout, I declined the receipt (bulk store, "zero waste", environment, etc.). When I got home, I found that the tips didn't fit on the bottles, so I went back to the store. Another lady was there, and two customers were ordering food and buying candies in bulk. I waited behind them until I got to the checkout. I tried to explain in broken French what had happened to the lady, and she replied by saying: "We have bottles of other sizes". I asked, "Can I take them and exchange them?" and the answer was yes (I left the bottles and mouthpieces on the counter). When I came back she tried to charge me again for everything, she even asked me for the "packaging" which none of the products had in the first place. So she seemed to think that I had simply magically taken the products without moving from the entrance while she took care of the other customers. She even went to check the price of the mouthpieces, so I switched to English and once again explained to her what had happened (she didn't really believe me, at least that was the impression I I had; she looked at me a bit like I was making things up). So she continued to charge me for the new bottles, which were more expensive. I thought I had to pay the difference, but she said she couldn't take them back, even before asking me if I had a receipt. I was informed that it is necessary to present a receipt for refunds, although the store's policy regarding exchanges is not explicitly stated. Anyway, this whole story pissed me off because of his attitude from the start. I will not come back. I went to purchase some spray bottles, and I had an encounter with two different store employees. The first lady, with dark hair, was incredibly kind, polite, and helpful. She guided me to the bottles, explaining that I could select any bottle and pair it with a nozzle of my choice. However, it was my oversight not to ensure that the nozzles would fit the bottles I had selected. Upon reaching the checkout counter, I declined the receipt in line with the store's emphasis on zero waste and environmental awareness. When I arrived home, I discovered that the nozzles I had purchased did not fit the bottles. Consequently, I decided to return to the store to resolve the issue. On my return, a different lady was attending to two customers who were ordering food and purchasing candies in bulk. I patiently waited behind them until I had an opportunity to approach the cashier. Despite my limited proficiency in French, I attempted to explain the situation to the lady. Her response was that they had other sizes of bottles available. In response, I asked if I could exchange the bottles for ones that fit, to which she agreed. I left the bottles and nozzles at the counter and went to pick up the appropriate replacements. Upon returning with the new bottles, the cashier attempted to charge me once again for the entire purchase. She even requested the nonexistent "packaging" for the products. It seemed as if she believed I had somehow acquired the items without moving from the entrance while she was attending to the other customers (Original) English follows. Je suis all acheter des vaporisateurs. La premire dame (aux cheveux foncs) tait trs gentille, polie et serviable. Elle m'a accompagn jusqu'aux vaporisateurs et m'a indiqu que je pouvais choisir n'importe quelle bouteille, puis prendre un embout sparment. Je suppose que c'tait mon erreur de ne pas m'assurer que l'embout s'adapterait aux bouteilles que j'avais choisies. la caisse, j'ai refus le reu (magasin en vrac, "zro dchet", environnement, etc.). Une fois rentr chez moi, j'ai dcouvert que les embouts n'allaient pas sur les bouteilles, alors je suis retourn au magasin. Une autre dame tait l, et deux clients commandaient de la nourriture et achetaient des bonbons en vrac. J'ai attendu derrire eux jusqu' ce que j'arrive la caisse. J'ai essay d'expliquer en franais approximatif ce qui s'tait pass la dame, et elle a rpondu en disant : "Nous avons des bouteilles d'autres tailles". J'ai demand : "Puis-je les prendre et les changer ?" et la rponse tait oui (j'ai laiss les bouteilles et les embouts sur le comptoir). Quand je suis revenu, elle a essay de me faire payer nouveau pour tout, elle m'a mme demand l'"emballage" que aucun des produits n'avait en premier lieu. Elle semblait donc penser que j'avais simplement pris les produits par magie sans bouger de l'entre pendant qu'elle s'occupait des autres clients. Elle est mme alle vrifier le prix des embouts, alors j'ai chang en anglais et je lui ai une fois de plus expliqu ce qui s'tait pass (elle ne me croyait pas vraiment, du moins c'tait l'impression que j'ai eue ; elle me regardait un peu comme si j'inventais des choses). Elle a donc continu me faire payer pour les nouvelles bouteilles, qui taient plus chres. Je pensais devoir payer la diffrence, mais elle a dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas les reprendre, avant mme de me demander si j'avais un reu. On m'a inform qu'il est ncessaire de prsenter un reu pour les remboursements, bien que la politique du magasin concernant les changes ne soit pas explicitement indique. Quoi qu'il en soit, toute cette histoire m'a contrari cause de son attitude depuis le dbut. Je ne reviendrai pas. I went to purchase some spray bottles, and I had an encounter with two different store employees. The first lady, with dark hair, was incredibly kind, polite, and helpful. She guided me to the bottles, explaining that I could select any bottle and pair it with a nozzle of my choice. However, it was my oversight not to ensure that the nozzles would fit the bottles I had selected. Upon reaching the checkout counter, I declined the receipt in line with the store's emphasis on zero waste and environmental consciousness. When I arrived home, I discovered that the nozzles I had purchased did not fit the bottles. Consequently, I decided to return to the store to resolve the issue. On my return, a different lady was attending to two customers who were ordering food and purchasing candies in bulk. I patiently waited behind them until I had an opportunity to approach the cashier. Despite my limited proficiency in French, I attempted to explain the situation to the lady. Her response was that they had other sizes of bottles available. In response, I asked if I could exchange the bottles for ones that fit, to which she agreed. I left the bottles and nozzles at the counter and went to pick up the appropriate replacements. Upon returning with the new bottles, the cashier attempted to charge me once again for the entire purchase. She even requested the nonexistent "packaging" for the products. It seemed as if she believed I had somehow acquired the items without moving from the entrance while she was attending to the other customers
    May 20th, 2023

Read Our 202 Reviews


Frenco is located at 4072 St Laurent Blvd in Montreal, Quebec H2W 1Y8. Frenco can be contacted via phone at 514-285-1319 for pricing, hours and directions.

Contact Info

  •   514-285-1319

Questions & Answers

Q What is the phone number for Frenco?

A The phone number for Frenco is: 514-285-1319.

Q Where is Frenco located?

A Frenco is located at 4072 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal, QC H2W 1Y8

Q What is the internet address for Frenco?

A The website (URL) for Frenco is:

Q What days are Frenco open?

A Frenco is open:
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Monday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Q How is Frenco rated?

A Frenco has a 4.4 Star Rating from 202 reviewers.


8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Ratings and Reviews

Overall Rating

Overall Rating
( 202 Reviews )
Write a Review

Ellie Lamontagne on Google

image Great store and selection, love the employees!

Fiducie Blouin on Google

image (Translated by Google) I love all the products they manage to offer
J'adore tous les produits qu'ils russissent offrir

Michael Author Pokocky on Google


C C on Google

image (Translated by Google) Customers for more than 20 years, we have made it our duty to boycott for more than a year this odious trade which did not hesitate to discriminate in 2021 and 2022 based on a prohibited ground of discrimination: the state. health (legal term).
Indeed, the trade applied the vaccine passport by refusing access to people who had chosen not to take vaxx covid or those who had chosen to take vaxx covid but who were not comfortable to use this privacy intrusive device.
By politely and kindly refusing access to a few ridiculous little chairs and tables instead of simply closing off the space as many have done to avoid harming people, the business has sold its soul and become corrupt. Now he's got it on his hands and that stain doesn't come off so easily.
This merchant, like all those who participated in this corruption, will have to forgive himself but he will first have to take responsibility for his actions.
Please don't say you didn't have a choice because the government ordered you to. We always have the choice. We have free will, right?!
You are not guilty of initiating the idea and ordering the application of this heinous practice. The government is guilty of this. You are innocent of it. No, you are guilty of EXECUTING the order. You participated in it. You are not victims. You are one of the executioners. Of course, it wasn't gratuitous racism. It wasn't gratuitous: you did it for the money.
What wouldn't we do for the $$$.
And don't take out the excuse of family to feed. In Quebec, with all the resources that exist and the charities, there is NO family that is going to miss anything, even penniless. And anyway, most of the businesses that stood up and did not discriminate did not receive tickets and those that did are far from having gone bankrupt.
Clients depuis plus de 20 ans, nous nous sommes fait un devoir de boycotter depuis plus d'un an ce commerce odieux qui ne s'est pas gn de discriminer en 2021 et 2022 en se basant sur un motif interdit de discrimination : l'tat de sant (terme lgal).
En effet, le commerce a appliqu le passeport vaccinal en refusant l'accs aux personnes ayant fait le choix de ne pas prendre le vaxx covid ou ceux qui avaient fait le choix de se faire vaxx covid mais qui n'taient pas l'aise d'utiliser ce dispositif intrusif de la vie prive.
En refusant poliment et gentiment l'accs quelques petites chaises et tables ridicules au lieu de tout simplement fermer l'espace comme plusieurs ont fait pour viter de lser des gens, le commerce a vendu son me et s'est corrompu. Maintenant, il a a sur les mains et cette souillure ne se nettoie pas si facilement.
Ce commerant, comme tous ceux qui ont particip cette corruption, devra se pardonner mais il va devoir tout d'abord assumer la responsabilit de son geste.
Er de grce, ne rpondez pas que vous n'aviez pas le choix parce que le gouvernement vous l'avait ordonn. On a TOUJOURS LE CHOIX. On dispose d'un libre arbitre, non ?!
Vous n'tes pas coupables d'avoir initi l'ide et d'avoir ordonn l'application de cette pratique haineuse. Le gouvernement en est coupable. Vous en tes innocents. Non, vous tes coupables d'avoir EXCUT l'ordre. Vous y avez particip. Vous n'tes pas des victimes. Vous faites partie des bourreaux. Bien sr, ce n'tait pas du " racisme " gratuit ". Ce n'tait pas gratuit : vous l'avez fait pour l'argent.
Qu'est-ce qu'on ne ferait pas pour l'$$$.
Et ne sortez pas l'excuse de la famille nourrir. Au Qubec, avec toutes les ressources qui existent et les organismes de bienfaisance, il n'y a AUCUNE famille qui va manquer de quoi que ce soit, mme sans aucun sou. Et de toutes faons, la plupart des commerces qui se sont tenus debout et n'ont pas discrimin n'ont pas reu de contraventions et ceux qui en ont reu sont loin d'avoir fait faillite.

Nicolas Moreno on Google

image (Translated by Google) English follows.
I went to buy vaporizers. The first lady (dark haired) was very kind, polite and helpful. She walked me to the spray bottles and told me I could choose any bottle and then pick up a mouthpiece separately. I guess it was my mistake not to make sure the mouthpiece would fit the bottles I had chosen. At checkout, I declined the receipt (bulk store, "zero waste", environment, etc.). When I got home, I found that the tips didn't fit on the bottles, so I went back to the store. Another lady was there, and two customers were ordering food and buying candies in bulk. I waited behind them until I got to the checkout. I tried to explain in broken French what had happened to the lady, and she replied by saying: "We have bottles of other sizes". I asked, "Can I take them and exchange them?" and the answer was yes (I left the bottles and mouthpieces on the counter). When I came back she tried to charge me again for everything, she even asked me for the "packaging" which none of the products had in the first place. So she seemed to think that I had simply magically taken the products without moving from the entrance while she took care of the other customers. She even went to check the price of the mouthpieces, so I switched to English and once again explained to her what had happened (she didn't really believe me, at least that was the impression I I had; she looked at me a bit like I was making things up). So she continued to charge me for the new bottles, which were more expensive. I thought I had to pay the difference, but she said she couldn't take them back, even before asking me if I had a receipt. I was informed that it is necessary to present a receipt for refunds, although the store's policy regarding exchanges is not explicitly stated. Anyway, this whole story pissed me off because of his attitude from the start. I will not come back.
I went to purchase some spray bottles, and I had an encounter with two different store employees. The first lady, with dark hair, was incredibly kind, polite, and helpful. She guided me to the bottles, explaining that I could select any bottle and pair it with a nozzle of my choice. However, it was my oversight not to ensure that the nozzles would fit the bottles I had selected.
Upon reaching the checkout counter, I declined the receipt in line with the store's emphasis on zero waste and environmental awareness. When I arrived home, I discovered that the nozzles I had purchased did not fit the bottles. Consequently, I decided to return to the store to resolve the issue.
On my return, a different lady was attending to two customers who were ordering food and purchasing candies in bulk. I patiently waited behind them until I had an opportunity to approach the cashier. Despite my limited proficiency in French, I attempted to explain the situation to the lady. Her response was that they had other sizes of bottles available. In response, I asked if I could exchange the bottles for ones that fit, to which she agreed. I left the bottles and nozzles at the counter and went to pick up the appropriate replacements.
Upon returning with the new bottles, the cashier attempted to charge me once again for the entire purchase. She even requested the nonexistent "packaging" for the products. It seemed as if she believed I had somehow acquired the items without moving from the entrance while she was attending to the other customers
English follows.
Je suis all acheter des vaporisateurs. La premire dame (aux cheveux foncs) tait trs gentille, polie et serviable. Elle m'a accompagn jusqu'aux vaporisateurs et m'a indiqu que je pouvais choisir n'importe quelle bouteille, puis prendre un embout sparment. Je suppose que c'tait mon erreur de ne pas m'assurer que l'embout s'adapterait aux bouteilles que j'avais choisies. la caisse, j'ai refus le reu (magasin en vrac, "zro dchet", environnement, etc.). Une fois rentr chez moi, j'ai dcouvert que les embouts n'allaient pas sur les bouteilles, alors je suis retourn au magasin. Une autre dame tait l, et deux clients commandaient de la nourriture et achetaient des bonbons en vrac. J'ai attendu derrire eux jusqu' ce que j'arrive la caisse. J'ai essay d'expliquer en franais approximatif ce qui s'tait pass la dame, et elle a rpondu en disant : "Nous avons des bouteilles d'autres tailles". J'ai demand : "Puis-je les prendre et les changer ?" et la rponse tait oui (j'ai laiss les bouteilles et les embouts sur le comptoir). Quand je suis revenu, elle a essay de me faire payer nouveau pour tout, elle m'a mme demand l'"emballage" que aucun des produits n'avait en premier lieu. Elle semblait donc penser que j'avais simplement pris les produits par magie sans bouger de l'entre pendant qu'elle s'occupait des autres clients. Elle est mme alle vrifier le prix des embouts, alors j'ai chang en anglais et je lui ai une fois de plus expliqu ce qui s'tait pass (elle ne me croyait pas vraiment, du moins c'tait l'impression que j'ai eue ; elle me regardait un peu comme si j'inventais des choses). Elle a donc continu me faire payer pour les nouvelles bouteilles, qui taient plus chres. Je pensais devoir payer la diffrence, mais elle a dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas les reprendre, avant mme de me demander si j'avais un reu. On m'a inform qu'il est ncessaire de prsenter un reu pour les remboursements, bien que la politique du magasin concernant les changes ne soit pas explicitement indique. Quoi qu'il en soit, toute cette histoire m'a contrari cause de son attitude depuis le dbut. Je ne reviendrai pas.
I went to purchase some spray bottles, and I had an encounter with two different store employees. The first lady, with dark hair, was incredibly kind, polite, and helpful. She guided me to the bottles, explaining that I could select any bottle and pair it with a nozzle of my choice. However, it was my oversight not to ensure that the nozzles would fit the bottles I had selected.
Upon reaching the checkout counter, I declined the receipt in line with the store's emphasis on zero waste and environmental consciousness. When I arrived home, I discovered that the nozzles I had purchased did not fit the bottles. Consequently, I decided to return to the store to resolve the issue.
On my return, a different lady was attending to two customers who were ordering food and purchasing candies in bulk. I patiently waited behind them until I had an opportunity to approach the cashier. Despite my limited proficiency in French, I attempted to explain the situation to the lady. Her response was that they had other sizes of bottles available. In response, I asked if I could exchange the bottles for ones that fit, to which she agreed. I left the bottles and nozzles at the counter and went to pick up the appropriate replacements.
Upon returning with the new bottles, the cashier attempted to charge me once again for the entire purchase. She even requested the nonexistent "packaging" for the products. It seemed as if she believed I had somehow acquired the items without moving from the entrance while she was attending to the other customers

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